Easy Baby Shower Games

These easy baby shower games can be played throughout the party or at designated times. It’s nice to include a combination of both. If you’re eager to have your guests mingle, try one of the more interactive easy baby shower games first, such as “Diaper the Baby,” or “Pregnancy Walk.”

Don’t Say Baby

Give each guest a baby diaper pin to pin on her clothes. Instruct your guests that during the party everyone is trying not to say the word baby. Whenever someone does, the first person who catches the slip gets to confiscate the pin. The one with the most pins at the end of the party wins.

Baby Egg

Give each guest a raw egg tied with a colored ribbon, or hard-boiled egg if you must! Explain to everyone that they have to take care of the egg as if it were their baby. They may set the egg down but they must have the egg at the very end of the party. Toward the end of the party, ask each guest to return their egg in exchange for a party favor. See how many people still have their egg or if they even remember where they set it down! Others may have named their egg and would prefer to keep it rather than receive a prize. The eggs make great conversation starters as people decide on names for their eggs, ask others to “baby-sit” and so on. This is one of those easy baby shower games that works throughout the party for continuous fun.

Baby “Price is Right”

Gather 10-12 baby items, such as newborn diapers, a bib, burp clothes, baby wipes, a pacifier, baby shampoo, a rattle, and cotton swabs. Write the price of each item on individual cards and seal each card in an envelope. Write the name of the items on the envelopes and set them by the products.
Have guests pair up into teams of two and pass each team the list of items on a sheet of paper. The teams guess the price of each item and write it next to that item on their list. An announcer then opens the envelopes one by one and gives the card to the team with the closest guess. The person who collects the most cards wins. Give all of the baby products to the guest of honor. Although this baby shower game can be played individually without teaming up, adding the team element allows for more mingling and makes it a livelier group activity.

What’s in Her Purse/His Wallet

Read off a list of items for guests to try to find in their purses. You can assign point values for items; for example, an invitation to the shower would equal one point while a blue crayon would equal 5 points. Or, you can simply award a prize to the person who comes up with the most items. Some ideas for items include a safety pin, a rubber band, nail clippers, a baby photo or photo of a child, a wet wipe, scissors and candy.

For a couples shower play “What’s in his wallet” too and include items such as a black and white photo, a poem or story, a coin, a fifty dollar bill, something from a child, a coupon, 3 business cards and something dated older than 10 years.

Diaper the Baby

Guests are paired together to diaper a baby doll. The trick is that the couple can only use one hand each. The other hand is not allowed to touch the diaper. The team who diapers the doll the fastest wins the prize. A stop watch or digital kitchen timer works well to time this game. This is one of those easy baby shower games that makes a great ice-breaker.

Baby Questions

Give each person an index card and a pencil. Everyone is asked to write down one common baby question, such as “What do you do when a baby cries?” or “How do you get a baby to sleep through the night?” Then collect the cards and redistribute them face down so that no one can see the question. Have each person write the answer to their initial question on the blank side of their new card. Then read the cards and get ready to laugh! For example, you could have a card with the question, “How do you know you have folded a cloth diaper correctly?” on one side and the answer “When you get your first smile” on the other.

Pregnancy Walk

Place two laundry baskets across the room from each other, one with about 10 inflated party balloons. Divide guests into two teams. Each member of the team puts a balloon between her knees and waddles across the room placing the balloon in the other laundry basket without touching the balloon with their hands. (Shaking, wiggling and hopping over the basket to free the balloon are all allowed!) The balloons get full of static so this can be tricky. After the guest gets her balloon in the basket or drops it on the floor, she runs back and the next team member goes. You can do this simultaneously with four baskets too.

The team that gets the most balloons in the basket within a certain time frame wins. If more than one person wins, you can go into overtime or just give out multiple prizes.
Variation: Instead of balloons, have guests put a penny or golf ball between their knees to be placed in a large old-fashioned milk bottle or any bottle with a narrowing neck.

Jelly Bean Count

Fill a baby bottle with jelly beans or other small candy. Have each person write down their guess of the number of candies in the bottle and place the guess in a container. The person with the closest guess wins a prize. This is an easy “water-cooler” game, where guests can just drop by and mingle throughout the party.

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